
Medical Uses

In theory Medical nanites could assist in the healing and growth
of the human body meaning we would be faster, stronger and heal
at an unprecedented rate there is also the possibility that nanites
could help our fragile bodies survive in superharsh conditions like
other planets and even space. This uses of nanites could also extend
the human lifespan considerably and help with the upkeep of cells.
another use of medical nanites is to fight off disease in a similar
way to white blood cells.

Programmable Nanites

Of the many amazing aplications of this technology my personal favorite
use has to be physical constructs. These nanites would be larger in size
compared to the smaller and more robust medical nanites and be able to be
programed into anything you want. These would be in essence an programmnble
matter and the skys the limit on whats possible.


Nanites can do great things like save lives and make people more resillient
but as with all technology it is a double edged sword. One of the many sinister
uses for this tech is as a weapon that can do the opposite of what medical nanites
do which would be ripping cells apart and eating someone from the inside out. They
could also if advanced enough rip apart things like metal and other stronger